Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Flaming Lips Eat The Reuben

It's a banner day at the old testimonial factory. These just in.

"People make pilgrimages to a town in the middle of fucking Michigan
to get a corned beef sandwich."

David Sax, in the Village Voice.

David is on the PR circuit for his new book Save the Deli. You can read the full interview here. You can also catch his interview on NPR. Our customers will be talking about this book so it's a good idea to brush up on it. I ordered a copy for the office. I read it in about an hour — not because it's bad, it's quick and fun.

And, not to dis David Sax because that's a hell of a quote, but I was really excited by this one.

"Now that's a Sandwich!!!!"
Michael Ivins, The Flaming Lips

He ordered our Reuben Kit, made the sandwich (pretty damn well I might add) and took pictures.

In case you don't know who The Flaming Lips are, well, you can watch them on Conan O'Brien tonight. Or here's a video of one of my favorite songs, where the band is eating — not reubens.

Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Ryan|MySpace Videos

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